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Test Extensions


Utility to skip the execution of a test suite based on a browser. Accepts: chromium, firefox or webkit.

test("swipe to go back", async ({ page, skip }) => {
skip.browser("firefox", "Swipe to go back is unavailable in Firefox");


Verify that a custom event emitted from a page or locator.


const myEventSpy = page.spyOnEvent("myEvent");


const myButton = page.locator("button");
const myEventSpy = myButton.spyOnEvent("myEvent");

Used in combination with custom matchers such as: toHaveReceivedEvent.


Waits for Stencil asynchronous operations to complete, typically associated with a re-render of a component. Useful for testing changes to a component that are determined through event spies.

await page.waitForChanges();